When do I have to wear the NEW uniform?
| This will be compulsory for all students in term 1 2026.
Why was there a change in the uniforms?
| The change was to help reduce the number of items required and to help keep cost
minimal. Students also had a say in colours and style to reduce the amount of detention for
incorrect uniforms.
My child will be in year 7 next year which uniform will I need?
| We strongly suggest that all year 7 student are in NEW uniform.
Is the New Uniform Unisex?
| Yes, all pieces of the NEW uniform are unisex. It is the student’s choice.
Can I Lay- by my uniform?
| Yes, we offer lay- by via the uniform shop.
Do we have second hand uniforms available?
| We do have limited items available second hand in the OLD uniform.
Do we accept second hand uniform to sell?
| At this stage no, we are only taking donations. We suggest selling second hand items on
Facebook marketplace.
Do I need a tie?
| Only in Year 10, 11, 12 will be required to wear a tie in winter months. This is for both male
and female students. We have two different ties to choose from depending on the style of
shirt you choose.
Do I need a Belt?
| OLD uniform is compulsory for year 10, 11 and 12 students. NEW uniform is optional.
Can I wear the black trackpants with formal shirt?
| Yes, trackpants can be worn with formal or sports shirt any day of the week.
Can I choose to wear my OLD shirt with NEW black shorts or skirt?
| No, you must wear all OLD or all NEW as a complete school uniform. No mixing.
Is there a different uniform in junior or senior years?
| No as a part of the new uniform all grades are in the same uniform. The only difference
would be adding a tie for year 10, 11 and 12 in winter months.
Can I wear any black skirt or shorts or any white socks?
| No all items have school logo.
Do I need to wear a hat?
| With your sports uniform you are required to wear a school branded cap.
What type of sock do I wear?
| White school crew cut socks. These can be worn with OLD and NEW school uniform. These
are school branded socks with logo. These socks can be worn with both sports and formal
When do I wear sports uniform?
| Formal uniform must be worn on Mondays and Thursdays. Sport or Formal can be worn Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday
What type of shoes are to be worn by students?
| Black leather school shoes. Uniform shop doesn’t sell shoes.
What house team is my student in?
| Your house is decided with the first letter of your last name. Acacia = A-D (Yellow) Banksia = E-K (Green) Cassia = L-P (Red) Hovea = Q-Z (Blue) We do not sell team house colour at the uniform shop
What is Academy?
| This is only for selected students in Basketball, Rugby, or Dance. Students would have been
notified if in any of this special programs.
When do I wear Academy items?
| Only when in academy classes or attending events.
Do I need a sports uniform if I’m in Academy?
| Yes, you will be required to wear your school sports uniform on sports day and Academy
uniform for academy lessons.
Do I need an appointment to get uniforms?
| No come when suits you during our open hours (MUST have appointment for Saturdays via SOBS and contact Uniform Shop directly to get access to the school after normal school days 3820 1474)
I can't make into the shop any of the times you are open?
| Email us and we will try to work with you on how we are able to get the student into a
uniform. uniformshop@alexandrahillsshs.eq.edu.au
Can I buy items at other uniform shops?
| No, only at our school uniform shop which is located on the school grounds.
Payment options
| EFT, cash, Lay- by, phone order or munch monitor online.
I wanted to order on Munch Monitor but can’t select sizes?
| Correct, select the items and we will size the student when they come in to collect uniform
Do I need to give student proof of the order?
| It is best too, as this makes it fast and easy. As it is not immediate and can take few hours or
even overnight to come through.
How do I collect items ordered?
| All items must be collected via the uniform shop.