
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Our school acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of this country. We pay our respect to the Ngugi, Goenpul, and Noonuccal First Nations Elders of the Quandamooka region from Moorgumpin, Moreton Island and Minjerribah, North Stradbroke Island and pay our respect to all Elders past, present and future for they are the keepers of memories, traditions and lore of First Nations People of Australia.​

The schools Reconciliation Action Plan has been developed in consultation with the Quandamooka MMEIC Elders who are the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built. The Rap has been designed to develop strong working relationships within our school and community that promotes knowledge of and pride for First Nations histories and culture.​

Our Vision for First Nations​ Education

At Alexandra Hills State High school, we promote the development of respectful relationships between, First Nations students, staff, parents/carers and the wider community. Our overall goal for First Nations education within our school is to improve the experiences of First Nations students, to raise cultural awareness amongst students and staff and to develop policies and curriculum that is cross culturally inclusive, innovative and integrated.

Our school offers a range of programs to support and extend the engagement and achievement of First Nations students:​

Biram and Yarrabin Dance Group

In consultation with the Walker family from Minjerrebah our dance group is officially named “Biram and Yarrabin", which means “sky" and “sea". Biram and Yarrabin perform their dances in traditional hand crafted Quandamooka costumes, in our school for NAIDOC celebrations and the wider community. Each year our dance group is invited to perform at other schools within the Redlands and at QATSIF Ceremonies.


The Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation was created to give Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families increased educational choices and life opportunities through using the interest accrued of Stolen Wages. Our school offers QATSIF scholarships for Years 11 and 12 to assist with First Nations students' schooling and to improve educational outcomes.

For more information, go to the QATSIF website.​​​

Beyond the Broncos Program 

The Beyond the Broncos Program values the vital role that young First Nations play in influencing the next generation, and provides culturally based support for these future leaders to succeed at school and beyond.

The features of the program include:

  • In-school support from our school-based Brisbane Broncos support staff

  • Semester challenges and rewards for attendance and behaviour

  • Group presentations on topics including culture, lifestyle and careers

  • ​Support in completing Year 12 and developing career pathways

  • Exclusive access to Brisbane Broncos staff, players, facilities and events.​​​

Support staff for First Nations students

Craig Horsfall - First Nations Community Education​ Councillor (CEC)

Jasmine Hubner -​ Beyond the Broncos Student Support Officer

Jude Marko and Robyn Smith - Guidance Officer​s

Last reviewed 18 March 2025
Last updated 18 March 2025