
Why choose our school?


​​​​​​Alexandra Hills SHS is a well established school located in the bayside city of Redlands. While we have traditions of which we are justly proud, our school is a dynamic, innovative organisation where we strive together with students and their families to ensure that all students are offered the educational experience which best meets their individual needs.

Our approach to student welfare

It is our belief that that happy students learn best.

In order to ensure that students develop emotional resilience and learn how to cope with the day to day pressures of adolescent life, a personal development program is in place from Years 7-12. In Junior Secondary (Years 7-9),  Alex and Me addresses such issues as transition, friendships and organisation, while the Senior program is built around topics suitable to young adults in their last years of high school.

The Hub is a purpose built centre for the welfare team which includes the Guidance Officers, School Nurse, Chaplains, Youth Support Co-ordinator and other visiting agencies. All students have confidential access to the Hub personnel who work individually or together with parents and teachers to address a student's particular issues.

Student leadership revolves around making the school climate happy and supportive of positive relationships amongst students of all year levels. The Student Council, Junior and Senior School Captains, Senior Leaders, House Captains and Mentors all contribute by giving their time and energy to group and individual projects which help to make our school a place where students want to be.

Our approach to curriculum

Our aim is to provide a curriculum which is broad enough to accommodate student choice but is structured in such a way that students who graduate have a clear pathway to university, TAFE or employment, no matter what their choice.

The Junior curriculum embeds all eight learning areas of the Australian Curriculum.  Students have the opportunity to develop their learning in the key areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, The Arts, Technologies and Languages.  Students in Year 7 and 8 have exposure to one semester of The Arts, Design and Technologies, Digital Technologies, Dance/Drama/Music, Food and Fibre Production. In Years 9 and 10, students have the opportunity to build upon the exposure to subjects studied in Year 7 and 8 by choosing to study one Arts subject, one of the Technologies or one Language subject for eighteen months. Students may choose a total of two electives. Choices include Dance, Design Technologies, Digital Technologies, Drama, Food and Fibre Production, German, Japanese, Italian, Media Arts, Music or Visual Arts. 

Year 11 and 12 students may choose to study from a wide range of subjects and courses that count towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).  Since 2019, a new approach to senior assessment has been implemented, combining school-based assessment with external assessment set and marked by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA).  Subject offerings at Alexandra Hills State High School cater for the variety of learners enrolled at our school.  Students have an option to study six subjects from a list of 29 General subjects, 13 Applied subjects, and eight Vocational Certificate courses at school. They may also choose to participate in TAFE Certificate courses off campus or school based apprenticeships or traineeships. As a school, Alexandra Hills State High School also recognises and supports the achievements of students whose learning is part of an individual learning program (QCIA) during their senior secondary schooling. Students may choose a course that leads to an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) for University or TAFE admission or vocational qualifications that prepare students for future employment. They may also decide to continue with the Apprenticeship or Traineeship which was commenced while at school.

Our approach to catering for the full range of students

We believe that students will achieve best when their individual strengths, talents and needs are recognised.

To this end, four Academies are offered to extend students' learning in a field where they exhibit particular talent and interest:

  • STEM Academy (Years 7-10 for students with aptitude in Mathematics, Science and Technology)
  • DANCE Academy (Years 7 – 12)
  • RUGBY LEAGUE Academy (Years 7-12)
  • BASKETBALL Academy (Years 7-12)
  • Instrumental Music (Years 7-12)
  • Music Extension (Year 12 for students who wish to take an additional Music subject)

Students with learning needs are catered for in a number ways such as one to one tutoring, ability level grouping, homework club as well as teacher aide assistance in the classroom.

Our approach to co- curricular activities

It is our aim that school life at Alexandra Hills SHS offers a diverse range of activities to appeal to every student. Researchers at the Menzies Research Institute Tasmania have found that, in considering student engagement, "the notion that a school should be about sports, music and drama (and other activities) – not only literacy and numeracy – is really important."

Our co-curricular activities include:

  • Weekly Sports Program
  • Leadership Program
  • Student Council
  • Public Speaking
  • Debating
  • Dance Troupes
  • Music Program – instrumental and vocal
  • Interact
  • Leos Club
  • Camps for Years 7
  • Enrichment activities to support individual subjects
  • Fundraising for Special Causes
  • A range of clubs and regular activities to enrich the school experience for all students.

Our approach to communication

Parents and carers are our partners in caring for and educating our students. It is essential, therefore, that communication is appropriate, useful and well timed.

Teachers are expected to ensure that parents are aware of any issues which may be affecting their child's learning. They will phone or email when necessary and parents are encouraged to accept our invitation to do likewise. Furthermore, parents are informed by text in the event of a student's absence.

Key people, such as the Year Level Deputy Principal and Co-ordinator, will continue to be responsible for the cohort for the duration of their enrolment, such that parents will be introduced to them in Year 7 and will be able to develop a relationship during the child's six years. In this way, parents can confidently address issues with a person, familiar to them, who knows their child.   

From time to time, text and email will be used to remind parents of coming events while our Facebook page is another source of information. Year Level Co-ordinators provide newsletters for their year levels at least once per term.

Parent – Teacher meetings are held from time to time depending on the year level.

Our approach to discipline

We believe that adolescents thrive in an orderly environment where the boundaries and rules are clear.

We have high expectations of student behaviour, dress and work ethic. While our response to behaviour issues is clearly outlined in the AHSHS Student Code of Conduct, we rely on parent support in addressing problems with student behaviour. It is essential that students understand that parents and carers agree with the school's values such that students are not confused by contradictions between what is considered acceptable by parents and carers and what is permitted by the school.

As Dr Joan Abbott-Chapman has said in a study of student engagement, "If parents are able to co-operate with schools and teachers to help promote student engagement, then this is likely to provide a springboard for future achievement in school and in employment right through to adulthood." 

Ms Linda Peterson


Last reviewed 20 January 2025
Last updated 20 January 2025