


Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C)

The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) of Alexandra Hills State High School with the continuation of the executive team will allow us to provide ongoing support to our school for 2025.

We encourage all parents, grandparents, guardians and carers new and current, to take an active role in their student's education. All community members are also eligible to join the P&C.

The P&C Association meets on the third Monday of the month, during school term either via zoom or in the conference room in the main Administration building(in person) at 5.30pm. You will have the opportunity to hear from our Principal and reports from our Tuckshop, Uniform Shop, Chaplaincy and Local Members of Parliament.

The P&C Executive team will not be asked to participate in fundraising, as this is done by the sub-committees and our roles are exclusively administrative. Everyone has a role to play in our P&C and we welcome your ideas which will be considered and respected.

We are always looking for parents to volunteer at our Uniform Shop and our Tuckshop. If you are available for even a few hours each week or month, please contact our friendly staff. You can drop in and talk about your volunteering preferences, or you can call Leah at the Uniform Shop on 3820 1474 and Sarah and Bianca at the Tuckshop on 3820 1471. Alternatively, send any email to for the Tuckshop and for the Uniform shop.

We also have our Performing Arts Support Committee (PASC). The parent volunteers in this sub-committee work tirelessly to raise funds for purchasing new music equipment and to fund performances. If your child is a member of the PASC at the school and you would like to support the program, please contact Carol Monson:

Thank you in advance for your participation in our P&C Association or for your volunteering activities at our school. If you would like any further information, please feel free to contact us at any time at our email address:

Kind regards,

President, AHSHS P&C Association

Meeting Dates 2025

If you would like to attend a Teams meeting, please email the secretary the week before the meeting and they will add you to the invitation email for the teams meeting.

Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
17 Feb - in person
19 May - Teams
21 July - Teams
20 Oct - Teams
17 March - in person
16 June - Teams
18 August - Teams
17 Nov - in person

15 Sept - Teams

Last reviewed 13 February 2025
Last updated 13 February 2025