Opening hours
Monday 8:00 am to 12:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am to 12:00pm
Friday: 8:00 am to 11:00 am
The Uniform Shop is closed School Holidays, Public Holidays and Student Free Days.
These hours are not applicable during December and January. Please refer to our Extended Hours.
Got a question? we have a few Frequent Ask Questions (LINK) for new parents.
Extended hours
Extended open hours (PDF, 218 KB) from 30 November 2024 to 31 January 2025.
SOBS appointment required for outside school hours for access to the school. Walk-in welcome during school hours through the office
Appointment are in 15 minutes lots , if you have two children to be fitted 2 appointments will need to be made.
Price List
Our current price list (PDF, 238 KB).
Cash, EFTPOS facilities (no cash out), Credit Card purchase.
Layby is a great option to secure your uniforms early. Final payment on collection of items.
Online ordering- Munch Monitor
If our hours are not appropriate for your needs, register with Munch Monitor. This is our online store and allows parents or students the opportunity to order their complete school uniform as needed throughout the year from the comfort of their home 24/7. Online orders must be placed before 7am on day of pickup. All items will be available for pick up in the Uniform Shop during opening hours.
Setting up an online account is easy!
4. Enter • School ID: alexhillsshs • Password: munch4161
6. Enter your email address
7. Enter the password you want. Make sure you can remember your password
8. Review and tick on the Terms of use
9. Click Create your Account
10 Click on the Activation Link in the email that is sent 
11. Follow the steps to create your Parent Profile
12. Add Students to your account .
13. You are now ready to order online!
14. Click on School Shop.
If Munch Monitor is not suitable an order form can be found on our website is also available that can be printed, completed and brought into the shop by the student.
Second hand uniforms
We are no longer accepting second hand uniforms as we are starting to release the new uniform.
All donations can be given direct to the office.