The Senior Secondary Phase of Learning for Years 10 – 12 aims to set the highest standards of excellence while offering senior students' options to pursue either an academic or vocational pathway.
Year 10 students will prepare for SET Plans with the help of teachers and parents. These plans map out a young person's career and education goals and the learning options available to them in the Senior Phase of Learning.
After completing Year 10, students choose from a broader range of learning options that may lead to a:
Senior Statement
Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA)
Tertiary Entrance Statement - ATAR
VET Certificate qualification.
Students will also have a learning account created in which they can access their student portal. The student portal will help students plan their pathways to achieving a QCE by the end of Year 12 and explore further study, training and career options.
Students at Alexandra Hills State High School can choose to pursue either an Academic Pathway, Blended Pathway or Certificate Pathway in Year 11 and 12.
Students who wish to pursue an ACADEMIC PATHWAY (Pathway A) will achieve an ATAR at the end of Year 12 and plan to undertake university study. Students who wish to pursue a BLENDED PATHWAY (Pathway B) must study a Certificate III in their subject selection and have the option to be ATAR or NON-ATAR eligible dependant on subject choices. Students on this pathway will be issued an ATAR ranking through their Certificate qualification which can offer a university pathway (conditions apply based on university/prerequisites). Students who wish to pursue a CERTIFICATE PATHWAY (Pathway C) will provide students with a range of career and learning opportunities by acquiring a number of certificate qualifications. This is an excellent pathway for students who wish to enter into the world of work, apprenticeship/traineeship opportunities or TAFE for further study.
The flowchart below demonstrates these Senior Schooling Pathway options.