SATs combine study, work and training to provide students with a head start on their career in years 10, 11 & 12. Students must gain support and approval from school to undertake a SAT.
Benefits and quick overview of a SATs
Free training under user choice incentives funding program.
Nationally recognised qualification either at a
Certificate II or III level.
12 to 24 months to complete a Traineeship.
Up to 4 years to complete an Apprenticeship.
Set number of working hours along with theory units.
Working with an outside Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
Earn 4 to 8 QCE credits.
Paid employment while you learn.
One day a week for Vocational pathway students.
Half a day a week for Academic students.
Have a resume ready to apply.
Undertake work experience to prepare.
AHSHS email a regular vacancy listing (link name) to all senior students via their EQ email addresses. In this listing you will find a variety of information from on how to apply to casual positions and other various course, work experience opportunities.
For more information on SATs at AHSHS contact our
Senior Schooling Team: