
Parent teacher communication

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Parents are encouraged to contact the school at any time to discuss their child’s progress.  Alexandra Hills State High School encourages parent involvement in their child’s education.​ 

Student Planner

The student diary contains a page for parent communication for each week. This space should be used to write a note for:

  • Permission for students to leave early and the reason (eg appointment)
  • Explanation for any uniform violation (eg student is wearing wrong socks etc)
  • Any other open communication with teachers/administration

Parents are also requested to sign at the bottom of the student's 'Homework' page each week.

There is also much useful information in the planner for parents, including the following:

  • Information about junior & senior assessment/exam policy
  • Information on attendance and uniforms


Reports will be emailed to parents 

Reports are issued three times a year for Years 7 – 10 at the completion of Term 1, Semester 1 and Semester 2.
Year 10 will also receive​ a report in the start of Term 4 for Introduction​ subjects.
Year 11 will receive reports in Term 2 and 4 on the completion of Unit  1 and 2.
Year 12 students will receive a report Term 2 at the conclusion of Unit 3.  
Year 12 students will receive an Exit Statement from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority upon completion of Year 12.

Please ensure parent contact details are always current with the office staff. Should there not be an email address provided, report​s will be sent home. 

Parent Teacher Interviews​​​

The Parent Teacher Interviews are an opportunity to hear how your son or daughter is progressing at school, through the sharing of more detailed information in regards to assessment results and participation in class. These meetings provide the chance to make learning goals for the coming semester.

Appointments can be made online through SOBS after reports cards have been sent home. Parents will receive an email with the link to the booking application. Please select 'parent teacher interview' and you can progress to making an appointment.​

2025 Parent Teacher Interviews will be held 

Tuesday​ 6 May​​ from 3.30 - 6.00pm​

Tuesday 29 July from 3.30 - 6.00pm

You will need to book an interview with your child's​ teachers through SOBS  (bottom of the page in quick links)

Booking Parent Teacher Interview

Making a SOBS account   

Our Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan

In Year 10, students develop a Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan.  This is scheduled to occur in May where parents and students meet representatives at AHSHS to plan their Senior Studies in order to meet career goals.

SET plan helps students to:​

  • Structure learning around abilities, interests and ambitions

  • think about education, training and career options after Year 12

  • set and achieve learning goals in Years 11 and 12, and beyond

  • include flexible and coordinated pathway options in your course of senior study

  • communicate with your parents/carers or teachers/careers counsellors about your post-school plans.

It is recommended that students review their SET Plan regularly to make sure subjects and learning are right for the students plan, and that students can then maintain a pathway to the courses and careers after Year 12.​​

Wednesday 15​ May  all day        

Booking SETP interview with the school (SOBS) bottom of the page in quick links

Leaving School Early Procedure

A parent/guardian may request a student to leave early in exceptional circumstances only.  It is the Principal’s decision whether or not a pass-out is approved.  Students must attend all timetabled classes including Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Sport and every effort needs to made arrange medical appointments and driving lessons etc. outside of school hours.  Leaving early contributes to total student absences.  Absences can seriously affect a student’s academic results.

Notes from a parent/guardian needs to be taken to the office before school and signed by a Deputy Principal.  Notes must then be presented to the Absentee Officer to collect their pass-out before they leave school.  Notes should clearly indicate the student’s name, form class and the reason why they need to leave school and miss timetabled classes.

Students who become ill whilst at school

A student who becomes ill whilst at school is not to phone their parents from their mobile phone.  If a student is ill they are to report to Sick Bay with a note from their classroom teacher.  Administration staff in Sick Bay will then phone a parent or guardian if necessary.

Student Absence

It is a requirement that all absences be explained by a parent/guardian.

Please email or phone your students name, form class and reason for absence to the Absentee Officer.

The school will contact parents/guardians by text message if your child has an unexplained absence. 

Please ensure your contact details are up to date at all times.

Last reviewed 04 December 2024
Last updated 04 December 2024