The Queensland Government has set an Enrolment Management Plan (EMP) for Alexandra Hills State High School. The prime obligation of the school is to provide access to an appropriate educational service for students whose principal place of residence is within the school's catchment area.
Alexandra Hills State High School can offer enrolment to all students who reside inside our catchment area. We also enrol "out-of-catchment" students each year, with priority given to students accepted into one of our programs of excellence. The school will consider all enrolment applications for students who reside outside the school catchment, but a place at our school is not guaranteed.
Places in the Programs of Excellence will only be available to out-of-catchment enrolments once the demand for in-catchment enrolment has been met and sufficient student enrolment capacity has been reserved for future in-catchment growth.
Are you residing in the Alexandra Hills State High School Catchment Area?
You can view our catchment area by visiting the Qld Govt Catchment Area website.
To be eligible for enrolment under the In-Catchment Area criteria, parents or legal guardians need to provide the following documents:
1 - A rates notice, current lease agreement with RTA Bond Receipt, or unconditional sale agreement showing the same address and parent's / legal guardian's name as on the enrolment application
2 - A utility bill (eg. electricity, gas, telephone, internet) showing the same address and parent's / legal guardian's name as on the enrolment application