Interschool Sport / Gala Days
From 2024, Alexandra Hills SHS will no longer participate in weekly interschool sport with neighbouring Redlands schools. Instead, for our students to participate in competitive sport, we organise gala competitions with a variety of schools throughout the year. Our competitive teams will be offered training time in the lead-up to the gala days and we will enter teams for all year levels in our students' most popular sports:
Touch Football,
Rugby League
Sporting Academies – Basketball and Rugby League
In addition to gala days, students in Basketball Academy and Rugby League Academy compete in a number of major competitions throughout the year. These sporting academies have curriculum lessons in years 7 to 10, plus training sessions during the Options Program for years 7 and 9 and as replacement to the Senior Early Finish in years 10 to 12.
Options Program – Recreational Sport and Student Clubs
Years 7 and 9 students participate in an Options Program involving recreational sport or student clubs (eg. eSports, STEM club, Chess, Yoga) one afternoon lesson each week. Some of these activities, including squash, gym and ten-pin bowling involve students going off-campus under the supervision of teachers. Students are expected to wear their sports uniforms on the days students participate in the Options Program.
It is hoped that students will gain physical, emotional and social benefits through participation in the Options Program.
Year 8 students study paired Literacy and Numeracy lessons one afternoon lesson each week, instead of participating in the Options Program.